Wellington Mountain Bike Club

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  • 13 Dec 2013 9:33 PM | Anonymous
    The end of the year is upon us, summer is here (kinda), time to get out and hit the trails.

    Wellington DH Series Round Three and Series Wrap

    Final round of the WDHS was held at Long Gully on Sunday the 8th, in shall we say, testing conditions. Strong winds resulted in a start change, and a smaller field, but there was some great racing from those hardcores who did show up, including plenty of action of the revitalised Creek Jump. The club would like to say a huge thanks to Dan Smith who has been leading the charge on tidying up Jawbone and to everyone who helped him.

    Our thanks to Bike 88 for supporting this round.

    Full results are up on the club site . Congratulations to everyone who placed in the final round, and to our series champions. Don’t forget all rounds of the WDHS are NZ MTB Crown events, and so your results will be up on nzcrown.co.nz shortly.

    Cheers to Ricoh of Running Quail Productions for the Photos - head over to Flicker to check them out.

    And here are some vids of the race action. 


    Longest Day Shuttles

    For the final shuttle day of the year, we are combining the club xmas party with the Longest Day ride. We will be doing shuttles all around Wellington. We will finish up with a BBQ and the newly revamped Miramar Pump Track. There is a limit of 30 spaces, and as this goes to print, there are less than half the spots left.

    This is a member only event, so if you want to take part, you will need to join the club first. This event is part of the Longest Day Ride, and a contribution from each riders event fees will be donated to Arthritis NZ.

    Register for this event on the club site

    Club T-Shirts - $35

    If you were at the the race in the weekend you would have seen Club President, Dave, and Events Manager, John wearing the new club t-shirt. We are going to offer 9 colour combinations in both mens and women’s sizing. The Tees are all the AS Colour T-Shirt, which is the same as the Trail Fund NZ ones.

    Head over to the order page and select your colour combo and size. We will close the order off before Xmas, and send off to the printers. All going well they will be ready in the early new year.

    Price is $35 including local Wellington postage.

    For this order, to keep things simple on our volunteers, we will be running the whole thing through the Paypal order system, no cash or direct credits. Sorry if this is a pain, but it is easier for us to organise.

    Get your order in via the club site.

    Wellington City Council brings Southstar Digger to town

    First stop - South Coast Kids Track

    The awesome people at Wellington City Council Parks and Reserves have contracted Jeff Carter and his digger from Southstar Trails to work on some of our projects for the next few weeks. Jeff and Matt have already blazed through the new South Coast Kids Track in Island Bay. And frankly, it looks rad. We are pretty sure it won’t just be kids giving this a work out.

    The South Coast Kids Track was a proposal brought to the club by some enthusiastic parents and is something the committee is very proud to be part of. We have been working with them on the layout and helping with funding grants. Check out their facebook page for updates. Now the main track is in, they will be running work parties to add the finishing touches.

    Next up - Miramar Pump Track

    The digger is now working at Miramar on the long awaited pump track extension. The huge mounds of clay have finally dried out and are ready for shaping. Keep your eyes posted on the Miramar facebook page for updates. All going well, the boys will be heading to Mt Vic for some work on Hippys before heading out to Super Plus and WTP next week. Should be lots of sweet new track to session these holidays.

    Clinical Crew Gets Going

    Thanks to the grant from Transpower, the club has now employed 4 diggers to work on the clinical track over summer. The digging crew will be overseen by Mike The Hippy who is back in town. All going well they should be all but done by the end of January.

    Over the other side of the Polhill Gully, the volunteer built Serendipity is almost through to the end. You can ride ¾ of the track and it is riding sweet, so get into it.

    Bikes, Beer and BBQ - Wellington Enduro Series kicks off Jan 20th

    What is the WES?

    The WES is a multi round, cross club series. There are 4 events for the guys, and with the addition of Revolve’s Super V, 5 for the women. Points will be allocated in each round with *your best 3 placings* counting towards the overall total. You must compete in at least 3 events to be eligible for the overall, and the crown of the fastest trail rider in Wellington. In addition to this, each round is also a NZ MTB Crown bronze event.

    Save the dates:
    1. Mt Crawford Mini Enduro - 20 Jan
    2. Wainui Enduro - 9 March (Doubles as Wgtn College and PNP Mtb Champs)
    3. Revolve Super V - 23 March (Women’s only event)
    4. Mt Vic Super D - 30 March
    5. Makara Peak Enduro - 6 April (Doubles as the Wgtn College Sports Enduro Champs)

    First Up - Escape from Mt Crawford Mini Enduro

    The first round of the WES will be held at Miramar on Wellington Anniversary Day, Monday Jan 20th. We are hoping for good weather this year and the chance that we will be able to run the Sufferfest Hill Climb up Jail Brake.

    The event will be mini enduro style with multiple runs down the tracks in the Miramar Track Project.

    Entries are open now on the club site. Discount for all club members.

    A big thanks to Burkes Cycles who have supported this event for the last two years and to Placemakers Evan’s Bay for supplying their BBQ mega trailer for this event.

    We are also very pleased to announce that the Yeastie Boys are coming on board to support the series with some very tasty prizes (for those over 18).

    New Treasurer

    Our current Treasurer, Peter Cassidy has stepped down from the role. Peter has been instrumental in getting the club finances knocked into shape in the last 18 months and working on systems to make it easier for someone to perform this role. The committee is most thankful for his efforts. Peter will be staying on as a committee member.

    In accordance with the club constitution, the committee and club officers have appointed a new treasurer to fill the role through to the next AGM. Our thanks Adian Forrest for stepping up.

    Cheers for your support

    The committee would like to thank all members and volunteers for their continued support. Whether it be trail building or running events, we can't do it with out people putting their hands up to help out. Enjoy your holiday riding!

  • 15 Nov 2013 2:22 PM | Anonymous
    Once again another busy period for the club. Lots of good work going on by the trail projects, and the return of club racing. With all the events on, trail building updates take a back seat for this issue, but will be back in force next time. Lets hope this good weather sticks around and we get another golden summer of riding.


    WDHS Update

    The first two rounds of the Wgtn DH Series have given us some exciting racing in very different conditions.

    Upper Hutt turned on a stunner for the first round, a blue bird day with only a slight breeze. The Maidstone track was in top condition thanks to Kerry White and his crew of volunteers. On a dry track, some riders opted for long travel trail bikes over DH rigs, and with a pedally section at the top this paid dividends with some of these riders making the podium.

    Event Photos and Videos

    >Round two and a return to 98 DH in Karori.This area had been hit very hard by the July storms, and 6 weeks before race day, it was a mess of fallen trees. A huge thanks to WCC and their Tree Team for getting in there and clearing out the worst of it, and also to Tony Harvie and Curtis for leading another group of (mainly the same) volunteers to clear out the track and get it running again. With some wet weather early in the week, the tech sections of the track were always going to prove a challenge, especially the "Chute of death". A smaller turn out but once again some great racing.

    Event Photos and Videos

    Sherwin’s videos on YouTube

    The final round of the series will be held at Long Gully Station on Dec 8th on Jawbone. Once again the track will be in tip top condition and our thanks to Dan Smith to leading the charge here again with that ever present band of volunteers. Over labour weekend, the track received a much over due hair cut and with some upgraded features, it should be an awesome race.

    Jawbone Digging Circle vid - no digger? no worries.

    Whilst some categories look all but sewn up, the overall title is still very much up for grabs in Open Men, Masters 1 and Under 19. In Open Men, 25 points is all that separates the top 4 racers. It should be a great day of racing so get your entries in today.

    The club would like to thank John Whale and Dave Preece for organising the races, and all the volunteers who help out with marshalling, timing, driving and everything else. With out people giving up their time to help out, we simply couldn't run these events, so we appreciate all your efforts.

    Shuttle Days Will Be Back

    Shuttle Days have taken a back seat for the last few months due to the DH series swallowing up nearly all our available volunteer time. But never fear, they will be back, and we have a little something special planned for December so stay tuned to the Facebook page for details.

    The Welly Enduro Series Is Coming

    Yup we are well and truly jumping on the band wagon. The Welly MTB Club is partnering with PNP, Revolve, WTP and Makara Peak Supports for a new Enduro Series that will kick off in late January.

    The series will bring in some existing events, including the Miramar Mini Enduro, Revolve Super V and the Mt Vic Super D. There will also be two brand new events for this year, that will both be multi stage enduros, one in Wainui and the other at Makara Peak.

    The goal is to raise money for trail building and maintenance in each of the 5 trail areas that will be hosting an event.

    Riders will accumulate points throughout the series, with their best 3 results counting towards the overall championship. In addition to this, all events will be part of the NZ Mtb Crown Enduro series. Most events will offer 2 courses, 1 for the hardcore, with a bit more tech thrown in, and another for the rest of us who want to test ourselves on something less critical.

    So save the dates:
    1. Mt Crawford Mini Enduro - 20 Jan
    2. Wainui Enduro - 9 March
    3. Revolve Super V - 23 March (Women’s only event)
    4. Mt Vic Super D - 30 March
    5. Makara Peak Enduro - 6 April (Doubles as the Wgtn College Sports Enduro Champs)

    Series entry will open in December, with a special deal for all those who sign up before Christmas.

    We will need plenty of volunteers to help us run this series, so please get in touch if you know someone who can help us out. Drop an email to events@wmtbc.org.nz.

    A Huge Thank You To Our Supporters

    In addition to all the sponsors who have been assisting with the race series, the club has been very successful with grant applications recently. The committee has been putting in the hard yards on getting grant applications into shape.

    1. Miramar Track Project received a grant to help fund a container for tools and other equipment from the Infinity Foundation.
    2. Transpower has kicked in with a huge contribution for the Brooklyn Trail Builders to help complete the trail network. Check our news item for more details
    3. A huge thanks to the Lion Foundation who are chipping in to support the health and safety needs of the DH series. This includes a grant to help towards a new PA and generator which we will be using for race briefings at all our events.

    And finally thanks to all the supporters of the Welly DH Series
    • Cycle Science - Round 1 Title Sponsor
    • Mud Cycles - Round 2 Title Sponsor
    • Bike88 - Round 3 Title Sponsor
    • The Rock Wellington
    • Big Design
    • PNP
    • Upper Hutt City
    • Wellington City Council

    And now for something completely different 

    BMX set to return to Wellington

    The new Capital BMX Club is looking to get a nationals level BMX track built at Ian Gallloway Park. The committee see this as a great opportunity for all riders in Wellington and are very much in support. Capital BMX are looking for expressions of interest from potential members to help with their plans and to get support for the track. For $10 you can register your support now, and this will be deducted from your first subscription.
  • 12 Nov 2013 3:45 PM | Dave
    Here they are, the 2013 Wellington Downhill Series overall standings (after round 2)


  • 30 Oct 2013 5:47 PM | Anonymous
    We’re very happy to formally announce that Transpower have made a significant financial contribution to the development of trails in the Polhill Reserve, Wellington. This news comes after the hard working team at Brooklyn Trail Builders in conjunction with the Wellington Mountain Bike Club, submitted an application to Transpower for their CommunityCare Fund. 

    The Fund provides one-off grants to community projects along the national grid’s route and to communities that are affected by new Transpower projects. 

    Over the coming years, the funding granted to Brooklyn Trail Builders will contribute to the development of a new trail ‘Clinical’ in addition to the planting of natives and investigating routes for further trails in the Polhill Reserve. 

    The Trail Builders’ long term vision for the area which is situated between the Aro Street and the end of Windmill Road, Brooklyn, is the development of an extensive trail network. The Reserve is already a staple for locals and those travelling into the region due to its close proximity to the central city and the trail access it provides to Brooklyn, and other trails extending further South. 

    Looking to the future, Brooklyn Trail Builders’ Craig Starnes believes the project will be a positive contributor to the local economy through recreation tourism, that working with local schools provides opportunity for students to gain valuable work experience, and that planting can improve biodiversity within the Reserve. 

    In the shorter term, the benefit to Wellington trail users is variety. Combined with existing trails Transient and Highbury Fling, Clinical will complete a Grade 3 ‘Grand Loop’ of the Reserve. The approximately 7km complete loop will allow cyclists, runners and walkers to travel in both directions, with multiple access points and numerous opportunities to take in the Reserve’s unique scenery.   

    Construction on Clinical began in July and is set for completion late 2014. In the meantime, the Trail Builders are underway with other projects including a Grade 4 mountain bike only trail Serendipity, which is nearing completion.

    In light of the successful application, Craig reiterates the importance of funding for projects like Polhill Reserve and the successful Transpower application highlights how community-based initiatives rely on support from the community, and local Government. 

    Brooklyn Trail Builders and the Wellington Mountain Bike Club would like to thank Transpower, Wellington Marathon Clinic, Wellington City Council, and the businesses and groups that supported the application. Special thanks also to the regular and corporate volunteers for all their hard work on the ground. 


  • 09 Sep 2013 10:25 PM | Anonymous

    It has been a busy start to the new membership year. There is a lot to look forward to this spring.


    Shuttle Days

    First shuttle day for the year was held at Long Gully on Saturday August 31st. Amazingly, the weather was perfect, warm, and little wind.

    The next shuttle day will be 28th of September out at Maidstone, Upper Hutt. This shuttle day is being run as part of Upper Hutt’s Breakaway Cycle Festival with the support of Upper Hutt City Council. There are a limited number of spaces, and the only way you can reserve a spot is via the club website.  See http://www.breakaway.org.nz/ for more details about the festival.

    Wellington Downhill Series Is Back

    After a hiatus last year, the DH series is back.

    3 rounds this year, all at different venues.

    1. Maidstone, Upper Hutt 20 October sponsored by Cycle Science
    2. 98 DH, Karori 10 November sponsored by Mud Cycles
    3. Long Gully 8 December sponsored by Bike 88

    We have organised the events so that they do not clash with the NZDH rounds, so you can do both series if you are really keen. Along with prizes for each round, competitors will earn points from each race towards the overall series championship. For the super competitive, points from each round will also contribute to the new NZ Mountain Bike Crown.

    Each round will be a 1 day format, with practice in the morning, and one timed race run in the afternoon.

    Enter online and save $10 over on the day entries.

    Summer Of Enduro Is Coming

    The Wellington MTB Club is working with other clubs and track projects in the wellington region to bring together a multi round Super D and Enduro series running Jan through Mar this summer. There will be hard and less hard courses at most rounds. Just like the DH series, there will be men’s and women’s overall crowns up for grabs.

    We Need Volunteers To Run These Events

    Can you, or someone you know help out at any of these events. For the race series in particular, we need people to help with registration, driving and most important marshalling on course. If you, your friends or family can help out, then please email events@wmtbc.org.nz. Marshalling in particular guarantees one of the best spots to see the action.

    Dodzy Memorial Skill Park Fundraiser

    This weekend, Wellington plays host to the Trail Fund and MTBNZ conference. On Saturday night, there will be get together held at the Southern Cross. During the evening there will be spot prizes and a charity auction with goodies from Cactus, Camelback, Endura, Revolution Productions, Chromag and POC up for grabs. All proceeds from the event will go towards the skills park being built in Rotorua as a memorial to James “Dodzy” Dodds who died last year. Dodzy was a huge contributor to the MTB community, as a skills coach, bike designer and trail builder. Tickets for the event are $20 and cover entry and food. There will be a cash bar. Head to Trailfund.org.nz for your ticket.

    Track Building


    After a few years with not much happening, both lines are getting some love thanks to Kerry and a crew of keen volunteers. Plenty of work has already been done, with step downs and berms reshaped. Long term the plan is to try and add a little extra length to the race line, but for the moment the focus is on getting the tracks running sweet for the upcoming Breakaway Festival Shuttle Day and Round 1 of the Wellington DH Series. Kerry has set up a FB group that is open to all for organising digs.

    Long Gully

    Both the Racetrack and Jawbone are getting plenty of maintenance at the moment. Jawbone should be in tip top shape come Round 3 of the WDHS. Dig days are being posted on the club FB page. Just a warning, the big ladder drop at the top of the track is currently closed as a number of the slats are broken. These should be replaced shortly.

    Mystic Portal

    The Council have Treescape in cleaning up after the big July storm. They will be removing broken trees, and those that are susceptible to coming down in the next big blow. It should take about 3 weeks. Once the tree clearing is finished, then the council have offered some digger time to help reinstate areas of the track. Please respect the track closure during this time. For more details, see the notice on the club site.


    Work on the Serendipity track is still forging ahead. The regular diggers have been getting a helping hand from Adventure Wellington and most recently 41 volunteers from the BNZ as part of their “Closed for good” day. It is looking good to have the track running sweet for summer. This winter has also been a busy one for planting in this area. Along with native’s supplied by the council, BTB has sourced a number of Nikau that used to be a common site in the gully. Check the BTB page for dig days.


    A semi permanent re route around the Boot Leg bridge is in place. It is a a bit of a grunt up the old farm track but worth it. A new entrance has been built at the Boot post clearing. Entrance is over the large branch and a roll into to a new corner.

    Work has started on the Pump Track extension and this will be the focus for the next few months. The big news is that we now have a container next to the pump track. a big thanks to the Infinity Foundation and everyone who has entered the Escape from Mt Crawford event over the past 2 years. The container is now a secure, and most importantly dry, place to leave tools.

    Mt Vic

    Most of the trails are open and it shouldn’t be too long before the big tree on Hippy’s is removed. Steve is working on a plan for mid week evening digs once daylight savings kicks in so stay tuned to the Mt Vic Trails FB page for details.

    South Coast Kids Track

    The club is partnering with a team in Island Bay to develop a new kids loop near the skate park in Island Bay. The SC Kids Track team recently got awarded grants from both Trail Fund (for tools) and the WCC Community Fund (for digger time). They will be breaking ground in the next month or so and hope to have a track up and running before summer. Check their FB page for updates.

    Have You Renewed Your Membership?

    Membership for the 2013/2014 season opened 1 July, so we are right into the season now. 

    Why join?

    1. Discounted race entry
    2. Discounted shuttle days
    3. Access to Long Gully
    4. Eligible for DH series overall crown
    5. (semi) Regular News letter
    6. Mega trail karma

    And to finish with, something new...

    Club Trail Rides

    You asked, so here we go, organised club trail rides.

    We have 3 planned this month:

    Wednesday Sept 18th - Join Jono to explore the tracks on Tinakori Hill(the legal ones) and Johnson’s Hill. Bring your lights as you will be gone till dark. Meet at the rose garden in the botanical gardens at 6:30pm. Jono knows where all the best single track is, so come ready for bit of tech.

    Thursday Sept 19th - Explore Mt Vic with Ranger Steve. Do you still get lost on in the Mt Vic labrynith of trails on Mt Vic? Suitable for intermediate riders and up, committee member and Senior Park Ranger Steve will take you on a couple of his favorite loops. Meet at the Pririe Street Playground/car park at 6pm.

    Sunday Sept 22nd - Who says there is no riding to the North of the CBD? Meet Jono again to explore the Skyline and Crow’s nest and probably some other hidden gems. Leaving from Izard Park on Wilton road at 10am.

    For more details, check the club Facebook page.

    See you on the trails!

  • 09 Sep 2013 9:57 AM | Anonymous
    ust got this from the council. Following the July storm, the tree team will be in there removing many of trees. The track will be closed for up to three weeks.

    Good news is that at the end of this, we have been promised some digger time that Eugene will put to good use reinstating the track. So please be patient, this doesn't effect long term access to the track.


    Removal of Fallen and Storm Damaged Trees: Prince of Wales Park

    This letter is to let you know that the storm damaged and fallen pine and macrocarpa trees will soon be removed from above Hutchison Road as part of the City Council’s storm clean up work.

    Some of the standing trees will also be removed as they are at risk from new wind loadings and are a hazard to park users and the road (see Map over page).

    This work will be carried out by our contractors, Treescape. It will commence on Tuesday 10 September and should take three weeks, weather permitting.

    Machinery will be used during the removal and the tracks in the area will be closed.

    The site will be accessed from the Salisbury Terrace entrance to Prince of Wales Park.

    The timber and wood recovered from the trees will be removed from site and all other wood will be placed through a large mulching machine. There will not be any firewood available to the public.

  • 24 Jul 2013 8:14 PM | Anonymous

    The committee wish to inform the membership that a Special General Meeting (SGM) will be held at 6 pm on Wednesday 7 August 2013 at Catalyst House, Level 4, 150 Willis Street, Wellington.

    The purpose of the SGM is to:

    • present the Club’s annual financial statement for the 2012/13 year; and

    • consider Resolutions amending the Club’s existing rules (as set out in the Club’s Constitution).

    The purpose of this post is to explain the Resolutions to be considered at the SGM.

    The Committee has reviewed the Club’s existing rules to ensure that they are “fit for purpose”. As a result of this review, the Committee considers that certain rules should be updated to ensure they meet this objective.

    In accordance with rule 7.1 of the Club’s Constitution, a two-thirds majority of members present at the SGM must approve a resolution for that resolution to be passed.

    A copy of the Club’s existing Constitution can be found on the Club’s website

    Resolution 1

    Existing rule 3.5 provides that subscription fees and the date on which they shall be payable shall be determined by the Committee. This conflicts with existing rule 4.1, which provides that the annual subscription shall be set by the Club at the AGM and that the subscription shall become payable immediately upon application for membership.

    To resolve this conflict, the Committee propose the deletion of existing rule 3.5 and the insertion of a new rule 4.1 (see Resolution 2).

    Resolution 2

    As noted above, existing rule 3.5 and existing rule 4.1 conflict with one another. To remedy this, the Committee propose the insertion of a new rule 4.1. This new rule provides that the Committee in June of each year shall set the annual subscription (membership) fee for the forthcoming membership year.

    Resolution 3

    Existing rule 3.6 provides that any member shall be permitted to attend a General Meeting (ie, an AGM or SGM). In accordance with current practice, the Committee proposes that any member shall be permitted to attend any Club Meeting (being an Annual General Meeting, a Special General Meeting, or a Committee meeting).

    Resolution 4

    To clarify current practice (presently authorised under existing rule 3.5), the Committee proposes the insertion of a new rule 4.1(a). This new rule empowers the Committee to offer a reduced subscription (membership) fee in conjunction with the payment of an entry fee for an event organised by the Club.

    Resolution 5

    Resolution 5 clarifies that the Club’s membership year commences on 1 July and ends on 30 June of the following year.

    Resolution 6

    Existing rule 6.1.1 provides that the AGM must be held between the beginning of May and the end of June. This means that the Club must hold an AGM before the end of the membership year (and the financial year) to which the AGM relates.

    To remedy this anomaly, the Committee proposes the deletion of the existing rule 6.1.1 and the insertion of a new rule 6.1.1. The new rule provides that the Club must hold an AGM within three months of the end of its balance date of 30 June. The new rule also codifies the current practice that the Committee shall determine the date and location of the AGM and that the Secretary shall give written notice of the AGM.

    Resolution 7

    Existing rule 6.1.3 provides that at the AGM that the President and the Treasurer shall present reports to the AGM. The Committee propose the deletion of existing rule 6.1.3 and the insertion of a new rule 6.1.3 that sets out in more detail the business to be conducted at the AGM. The proposed new rule 6.1.3 is modelled on a rule contained in the sample rules for an incorporated society at the Companies Office – Societies and Trusts website (the Sample Rules).

    Resolution 8

    Existing rules 6.2.1 to (and inclusive of) 6.2.6 concern the administration of Committee meetings. The Committee proposes the deletion of existing rules 6.2.1 to 6.2.6 and the insertion of new rules 6.2.1 to 6.2.6. The new rules are modelled on rules contained in the Sample Rules.

    Resolution 9

    Existing rule 7.1 provides that a two-thirds majority of members present at an AGM or SGM must approve an alteration to the rules. The Committee propose that the words “and voting” are inserted after the word “present” to clarify that the majority is calculated by reference to members present and voting.

    Existing rule 7.1 provides a notice period of 14 days for the convening of an SGM. The Committee proposes the amendment of this rule to make it clear that the notice must be in writing (including email).

    Resolution 10

    Under the law, no rule change has effect until registered with the Registrar of Incorporated Societies. The Committee proposes the insertion of a new rule 7.3 that expressly reflects this.

    Resolution 11

    Existing rules 8.1 to 8.5 concern the appointment of Committee members. The Committee proposes to replace the existing rules with rules modelled on rules contained in the Sample Rules.

    Resolution 12

    Existing rule 9.3 provides that the Secretary and the Chairperson must sign every document affixed with the Club’s Common Seal. The Committee propose the amendment of existing rule 9.3 by replacing Chairperson (a term new that does not appear in any other rule) with “President”.

    Resolution 13

    The Committee propose the deletion of the existing rule 10.3 and the insertion of a new rule 10.3 that clarifies that the financial year commences on 1 July of every year and ends on 30 June of the next year.

    Resolution 14

    The Committee proposes the insertion of a new rule 13.2, which contains definitions of the terms “Club Meeting”, “Money or Other Assets”, “Rules” and “Written Notice”.

    Resolution 15

    Currently, the rules inconsistently use lower and upper case for the key terms “club”, “committee”, “president”, “secretary” and “treasurer”. The Committee proposes that the rules are amended so that in each instance where these words appear in the rules they are in upper case.

    Resolution 16

    Currently, some rules use the phrase “Annual General Meeting” and other rules use the term “AGM”. In the interests of consistency, the Committee proposes that the rules use the expression “AGM” except for in rule 6.1.1.

    Resolution 17

    Certain existing rules (for example, rule 5.1.1) refer to “social member”. The membership categories of the Club do not include a “social member”. Accordingly, the Committee proposes the deletion of every reference in the rules to “social member”.


    I consider the Resolutions will promote the success of the Club and are in the best interests of the Club and its members. Accordingly, I recommend that you vote in favour of the Resolutions.

    Voting on all Resolutions at the SGM will be by way of show of hands.

    If you have any questions concerning this letter or the formal notice of the SGM, please contact either:

    I look forward to seeing you at the SGM.

    Yours sincerely

    Dave Preece

    President, WMTBC



    that a Special General Meeting of the Wellington Mountain Club Incorporated (the Club) will be held on Wednesday 7 August 2013 at Catalyst IT, Level 4, 150 Willis Street, Wellington at 6:00 pm to consider, and if thought fit, to pass the following Resolutions to alter the rules of the Club. In accordance with rule 7.1 of the Club’s Constitution, to approve a resolution a two-thirds majority of members present at the SGM must approve the resolution.

    Resolution 1

    Delete existing rule 3.5.

    Resolution 2

    Delete existing rule 4.1 and insert the following new rule 4.1:

    4.1 The Committee in June of each year shall set the annual subscription fee, for each membership category, for the forthcoming membership year. The annual subscription fee shall be payable immediately upon application for membership.

    Resolution 3

    Delete existing rule 3.6 and insert the following new rule 3.6:

    3.6 Any member of the Club shall be permitted to attend any Club Meeting.

    Resolution 4

    Insert the following new rule 4.1(a):

    4.1(a) The Committee may set a reduced annual subscription fee (for each membership category) where the reduced fee is offered in conjunction with the payment of an entry fee for an event organised by the Club.

    Resolution 5

    Delete existing rule 4.4 and insert the following new rule 4.4:

    4.4 The membership year of the Club commences on 1 July of every year and ends on 30 June of the next year.

    Resolution 6

    Delete existing rule 6.1.1 and insert the following new rule 6.1.1:

    6.1.1 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held no later than three months after the end of the Club’s balance date (30 June). The Committee shall determine when and where the Club shall meet within those dates. The Secretary shall give all members at least 21 days Written Notice of the time, date, location and business to be conducted at the AGM.

    Resolution 7

    Delete rule 6.1.3 and insert the following new rule 6.1.3:

    6.1.3 The business of an AGM shall be:

    1. Receiving the minutes of the previous AGM;

    2. The President’s report on the business of the Club over the immediately preceding membership year;

    3. The Treasurer’s report on the finances of the Club and the annual financial statement for the immediately preceding financial year;

    4. Election of the Officers of the Committee and the election of Regular Committee Members;

    5. Motions to be considered;

    6. General business.

    Resolution 8

    Delete existing rules 6.2.1 to (and inclusive of) 6.2.6 and insert the following new rules 6.2.1 to (and inclusive of) 6.2.6

    6.2.1 Subject to the Rules of the Club, the role of the Committee is to:

    (a) Administer, manage, and control the Club;

    (b) Carry out the purposes of the Club, and use Money or Other Assets to do that;

    (c) Manage the Club financial affairs, including approving the annual financial statements for presentation to the members at the AGM;

    (d) Set accounting policies in line with generally accepted accounting practice;

    (e) Delegate responsibility and co-opt members where necessary;

    (f) Ensure that all members follow the Rules;

    (g) Decide how a person becomes a member, and how a person stops being a member;

    (h) Decide the times and dates for Club Meetings, and set the agenda for Club Meetings;

    (i) Decide the procedures for dealing with complaints;

    (j) Set membership fees, including subscriptions and levies;

    (k) Make regulations.

    6.2.2 The Committee has all of the powers of the Club, unless the Committee’s power is limited by these Rules.

    6.2.3 All decisions of the Committee shall be by a majority vote. In the event of an equal vote, the President shall have a casting vote, that is, a second vote.

    6.2.4 Decisions of the Committee bind the Club, unless the Committee’s power is limited by these Rules.

    6.2.5 A quorum for a Committee meeting shall be two Officers and two Regular Committee Members.

    6.2.6 Subject to these Rules, the Committee may regulate its own practices.

    Resolution 9

    In rule 7.1 insert the words “and voting” after the word “present” and replace the words “14 days’ notice” with the words “14 days Written Notice”.

    Resolution 10

    Insert the following new clause 7.3:

    7.3 No rule change approved at an AGM or at a Special General Meeting shall take effect until the Secretary has filed the change with the Registrar of Incorporated Societies.

    Resolution 11

    Delete the heading to existing rule 8 and delete existing rules 8.1 to (and inclusive of) 8.5 and insert the following new rules 8.1 to (and inclusive of) 8.8:

    Appointment of Committee Members

    8.1 The Club shall have a managing committee (the Committee), comprising the following persons:

    1. The President;

    2. The Secretary;

    3. The Treasurer; and

    4. Such other members as the Committee or Club shall decide (Regular Committee Members).

    8.2 The Officers of the Club are the President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer.

    8.3 There shall be a minimum of two Regular Committee Members, in addition to the Officers.

    8.4 The Secretary shall receive nominations for the Officers and the Regular Committee Members after the announcement of the AGM and from attending members at the AGM. All retiring members of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election.

    8.5 If the position of any Officer becomes vacant between AGMs, the Committee may appoint another Committee Member to fill that vacancy until the next AGM.

    8.6 If the position of any Regular Committee Member becomes vacant between the AGM, the Committee may appoint another Club member to fill that vacancy until the next AGM.

    8.7 If any Committee member is absent from three consecutive Committee meetings without leave of absence, the Committee may declare that person’s position to be vacant.

    8.8 Every member of the Committee shall hold office from the date of his or her election or appointment until the earlier of:

    1. the next AGM; or

    2. they resign by giving notice to the Committee.

    Resolution 12

    In rule 9.3 replace “Chairperson” with “President”.

    Resolution 13

    Delete existing rule 10.3 and insert the following new rule 10.3:

    10.3 The financial year of the Club commences on 1 July of every year and ends on 30 June of the next year.

    Resolution 14

    Insert the following new rule 13.2:

    13.2 In these rules:

    “Club Meeting” means any AGM, any Special General Meeting, and any Committee meeting;

    “Money or Other Assets” means any real or personal property or interest therein, owned or controlled to any extent by the Club;

    “Rules” means the rules of the Club filed with the Registrar of Incorporated Societies;

    “Written Notice” means communication by post, electronic means (including email, and website posting), or advertisement in periodicals, or a combination of these methods.

    Resolution 15

    In each instance where the word “club”, “committee”, “officer” “president”, “secretary”, and “treasurer”, appears in the Constitution replace that word with respectively “Club”, “Committee”, “Officer”, “President”, “Secretary”, and “Treasurer”.

    Resolution 16

    Except for rule 6.1.1, where the phrase “Annual General Meeting” appears in the Constitution replace these words with “AGM”.

    Resolution 17

    Delete each reference to “social member” from the rules.

  • 11 Jul 2013 9:41 PM | Anonymous
    The AGM of the Wellington MTB Club was held on 20th June, 2013 and was attended by 30 people.

    Full meeting minutes and are still to come but the following is available from the meeting:
    1. Presidents Report
    2. Strategic Plan
      including goals for 2013/2014 embership year and for the next 5 years. 
    3. Profit and Loss Report 1 July 2012 - 17 June 2013
    Next committee meeting wlil be held on the 6pm 17th of July at Level 4, Catalyst House, 150 Willis Street. All welecome, especially anyone who is interested in helping us organise shuttle days and the Club DH series to be held Oct - Dec.

  • 11 Jul 2013 9:19 PM | Anonymous
    I would like to thank my fellow Committee Members for their support and assistance during the 2012/13 membership year. Additionally I would like to thank those Members (non Committee) who frequently offer their assistance and time, and all Members & Sponsors for your continued support of the Wellington Mountain Bike Club.

    We have seen growth in our Club Membership this year (149 vs 56 in 2012), this has been largely in part to our expansion of club shuttle days and offering discounted memberships with our event entry.

    A year of change

    In December 2012, WMTBC become a Registered Charity. This is huge! it makes the WMTBC more desirable to funding organisations & has meant we could receiving donations from the general public and as you will see in the Financial Report, they have already started coming in.

    In previous years, the committee have been ‘front-end’ focused with running plenty of events - whereas this year, the committee has focused on solidifying the club’s foundations. A lot of time & effort has gone into streamlining ‘back-end’ management systems.

    1. Website
      WMTBC’s new website went live in July 2012. This streamlined our membership & event management systems & also allowed us to receive online & credit card payments.
    2. Accounting
      Utilizing ‘Cloud’ based systems, our Treasurer has streamlined our Accounting System.
    3. Document Storage and Collaboration
      ur Secretary installed and streamlined the way the Committee stores and shares its files.

    I would like to thank all those who have been involved with these projects, the Club as a whole has benefited greatly from your hard work.


    The Club has continued our strong relationships with both Revolve & PNP in support of both there and our events.


    Once again, the Clubs Mt Victoria Super D & Miramar Enduro events were a hit. Competitors of the Miramar Enduro turned out with huge smiles, despite the abysmal weather. Mt Victoria Super D pleased the punters, but was run by skin of teeth this year. Major factors were the weather, time of year & a low number of volunteers.

    The Club are still struggling to get the volunteer numbers required at our events.

    Our shuttle days have proven to be hugely popular with both members and non-members. By running these events both within and outside of Long Gully, the Club has also attracted new riders who would normally shy away from DH events.

    Unfortunately, we were unable to run any DH races over the last year due to time & resource constraints, but rest assured, we are gearing up to run a Wellington DH Series in late 2013.

    However, this will still a huge challenge for us if we are unable to source volunteers to help with our events – this is particularly something the Club needs in order to remain successful. 

    Looking ahead to 2014, we’re planning more enduro style events as they are attracting new riders & members to the club.

    Community engagement

    Over the last year, the Club have officially taken on the trail management of Mt Victoria & Polhill (Brooklyn Trail Builders) in our ongoing effort to expand our trail presence in Wellington.
    We welcome Cr
    aig Starnes and Kev O'Donnell from BTB to the team.

    This means WMTBC are now managing trails in Long Gully, Miramar, Mt Albert, Karori (98 DH), Mt Victoria, Brooklyn & are currently working with the Wellington City Council (WCC) to officially incorporate the Portal trail into the WCC trail network.

    WCC kindly donated a small amount of WMTBC Trailhead markers, so you will start seeing these out on the Wellington trail network. The Trailhead markers let other trail user know that the Club built and/or maintains that trail and invites them to contribute to our efforts.

    Diggers summit.

    Held in association with Wellington Trail Alliance, the Diggers Summit was an opportunity for all volunteer trail builders in the Wellington region to get together, listen to talks from internationally regarded trail builders and swap their own stories so they could learn from each other. Wellington has a strong volunteer trail building community and the Summit was about making it stronger. The summit also helped expand WMTBC’s presence in the community and we will building on this when we host the MTBNZ and NZ Trail Fund conference here in September.

    Wellington City Council approved contractors.

    BTB were donated $5,000 from the Wellington Marathon Clinic to go towards paying trail builders to carry out work on their trails, so the WMTBC have had to register as an employer so we can pay employees. Before work could start, the WMTBC have had to gain approval from the Wellington City Council.

    After 4 months of paperwork, the club is the final stages of becoming an approved WCC contractor. What this means the club can do in the future: carry out paid work for WCC. We believe this is a first for any MTB club in the country to become an approved contractor to a local council and is a testament to the expertise of the trail builders in our club, and the quality of trail we can deliver.


    Two of our committee members have been elected into the Mountain Bike New Zealand committee.

    1. Jordan Moss: President
    2. Ben Wilde: NZ Trail Fund

    The club acknowledges the hard work that these two are doing to sort out the issues between BikeNZ and MTBNZ, and to establish the Trail Fund.


    Long Gully:

    Thanks to Jono Baddiley, Tony Harvie, Adrian Armstrong, Dan Smith & everyone who has volunteered their time to maintain the Long Gully trails. Tony has been keeping the Race Track in top order, and Adrian has been fettling away on 420. During the beginning of the season, we had no owner for Jaw Bone, and it was getting quite overgrown. Thanks to Dan Smith, Dave Nendick, Brett Turia for getting this track open again and their continuing efforts along with Jono and Mike.


    Thanks to Tony Harvie for his continued efforts in Karori on 98DH. There have been some issues with young kids getting in there and altering the track, and Tony has been working with the Council Ranger team to work through this issue and he has been repairing these features.

    Mt Victoria:

    Steve Wallace has taken up the leadership role in managing the Mt Victoria trails as part of agreement with the council. This has included maintenance work on existing trails such as Hippy’s and TTS, along with helping out PNP with maintenance of the Zig Zag track. The Mt Vic Trails crew have also put in two new lines on the Super D track, including a short jump line to get riders off the walking track before the saddle and then a new line on Mt Alfred, once again to provide a more interesting alternative to the walking trail that leads into Rod’s Drop

    Miramar Track Project:

    MTP started off the year with an accolade, receiving an Wellington Airport Regional Community Award for Health & Wellbeing. This shows how Miramar and the Club’s trail building activities are acknowledged and appreciated by the community. Along with maintenance on the existing tracks, the new Solitary DH line has bedded in with more work planned to make it more sustainable, whilst keeping the feel. In recent weeks, work at the Water Towers area has ramped up again, with improvements to the Kids Track and the Pump Track extension.

    A significant amount of planting was done in the past year, with over 500 plants going in around the trail network, in particular Solitary and most recently around the Pump Track extension.

    Brooklyn Trail Builders:

    It has been a busy year for the BTB. The Windmill track was finished, and now offers a more interesting uphill alternative to the road to access the trails further out in the Te Kopahau reserve.

    On the city side of the trail area, work is underway on both sides of the valley. Work on the Serendipity track (Grade 4 down only) is well underway and targeted for the end of the year. This will provide an alternative descent to the very popular Transient track. Work is also in progress between Holloway Road and George Denton Park. After a long consultation process, led by the WCC, permission has been given to  build a new two way, grade 3 track up to the park. Once this is complete, then the existing Squatters track will be repurposed as a Grade 4 descending trail. These two tracks will provide a city side loop for this popular trail network.

    Along with ongoing maintenance, the BTB has worked with other stakeholders in the area to plant 600 trees in the area. A full report of the BTB activities is available on the club website.


    The club has been working with the WCC to get this track sanctioned as an official part of the track network. It is currently classed as an unsanctioned track in an area open for mountain biking. This quite different to an illegal trail (such as those on Tinakori Hill). Eugene Black has worked on a comprehensive plan to rebuild the features to council approved standard. The agreement is that once this, and the handling of the intersection with the walking track is done, this track will become an approved, official track. The club has committed some funds to this project, and we will be looking for funding to help complete these works.  

    Ongoing challenges

    1. Volunteers - as noted earlier. We need to grow the number of people who can both help organise, perform jobs and marshall at our events.
    2. Illegal trail building in the community makes both mountain bikers and WMTBC look bad - it affects our sanctioned work we are carrying out with the WCC.

    Looking forward to the next year.

    The committee has developed a strategic plan which puts in place some tangible goals we are looking to achieve in the coming year. We will present this plan at the AGM. These goals have been aligned with a broader vision for the next 5 years. I encourage you all to review these plans, and invite you to help us make these a reality.

    Please continue to support your Club & your incoming Committee. Thanks for all your support over the last two years.

    Best wishes to all in 2013 & 2014.

    Dave Preece
    WMTBC President

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