Wellington Mountain Bike Club

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Xmas Newsletter

13 Dec 2013 9:33 PM | Anonymous
The end of the year is upon us, summer is here (kinda), time to get out and hit the trails.

Wellington DH Series Round Three and Series Wrap

Final round of the WDHS was held at Long Gully on Sunday the 8th, in shall we say, testing conditions. Strong winds resulted in a start change, and a smaller field, but there was some great racing from those hardcores who did show up, including plenty of action of the revitalised Creek Jump. The club would like to say a huge thanks to Dan Smith who has been leading the charge on tidying up Jawbone and to everyone who helped him.

Our thanks to Bike 88 for supporting this round.

Full results are up on the club site . Congratulations to everyone who placed in the final round, and to our series champions. Don’t forget all rounds of the WDHS are NZ MTB Crown events, and so your results will be up on nzcrown.co.nz shortly.

Cheers to Ricoh of Running Quail Productions for the Photos - head over to Flicker to check them out.

And here are some vids of the race action. 


Longest Day Shuttles

For the final shuttle day of the year, we are combining the club xmas party with the Longest Day ride. We will be doing shuttles all around Wellington. We will finish up with a BBQ and the newly revamped Miramar Pump Track. There is a limit of 30 spaces, and as this goes to print, there are less than half the spots left.

This is a member only event, so if you want to take part, you will need to join the club first. This event is part of the Longest Day Ride, and a contribution from each riders event fees will be donated to Arthritis NZ.

Register for this event on the club site

Club T-Shirts - $35

If you were at the the race in the weekend you would have seen Club President, Dave, and Events Manager, John wearing the new club t-shirt. We are going to offer 9 colour combinations in both mens and women’s sizing. The Tees are all the AS Colour T-Shirt, which is the same as the Trail Fund NZ ones.

Head over to the order page and select your colour combo and size. We will close the order off before Xmas, and send off to the printers. All going well they will be ready in the early new year.

Price is $35 including local Wellington postage.

For this order, to keep things simple on our volunteers, we will be running the whole thing through the Paypal order system, no cash or direct credits. Sorry if this is a pain, but it is easier for us to organise.

Get your order in via the club site.

Wellington City Council brings Southstar Digger to town

First stop - South Coast Kids Track

The awesome people at Wellington City Council Parks and Reserves have contracted Jeff Carter and his digger from Southstar Trails to work on some of our projects for the next few weeks. Jeff and Matt have already blazed through the new South Coast Kids Track in Island Bay. And frankly, it looks rad. We are pretty sure it won’t just be kids giving this a work out.

The South Coast Kids Track was a proposal brought to the club by some enthusiastic parents and is something the committee is very proud to be part of. We have been working with them on the layout and helping with funding grants. Check out their facebook page for updates. Now the main track is in, they will be running work parties to add the finishing touches.

Next up - Miramar Pump Track

The digger is now working at Miramar on the long awaited pump track extension. The huge mounds of clay have finally dried out and are ready for shaping. Keep your eyes posted on the Miramar facebook page for updates. All going well, the boys will be heading to Mt Vic for some work on Hippys before heading out to Super Plus and WTP next week. Should be lots of sweet new track to session these holidays.

Clinical Crew Gets Going

Thanks to the grant from Transpower, the club has now employed 4 diggers to work on the clinical track over summer. The digging crew will be overseen by Mike The Hippy who is back in town. All going well they should be all but done by the end of January.

Over the other side of the Polhill Gully, the volunteer built Serendipity is almost through to the end. You can ride ¾ of the track and it is riding sweet, so get into it.

Bikes, Beer and BBQ - Wellington Enduro Series kicks off Jan 20th

What is the WES?

The WES is a multi round, cross club series. There are 4 events for the guys, and with the addition of Revolve’s Super V, 5 for the women. Points will be allocated in each round with *your best 3 placings* counting towards the overall total. You must compete in at least 3 events to be eligible for the overall, and the crown of the fastest trail rider in Wellington. In addition to this, each round is also a NZ MTB Crown bronze event.

Save the dates:
  1. Mt Crawford Mini Enduro - 20 Jan
  2. Wainui Enduro - 9 March (Doubles as Wgtn College and PNP Mtb Champs)
  3. Revolve Super V - 23 March (Women’s only event)
  4. Mt Vic Super D - 30 March
  5. Makara Peak Enduro - 6 April (Doubles as the Wgtn College Sports Enduro Champs)

First Up - Escape from Mt Crawford Mini Enduro

The first round of the WES will be held at Miramar on Wellington Anniversary Day, Monday Jan 20th. We are hoping for good weather this year and the chance that we will be able to run the Sufferfest Hill Climb up Jail Brake.

The event will be mini enduro style with multiple runs down the tracks in the Miramar Track Project.

Entries are open now on the club site. Discount for all club members.

A big thanks to Burkes Cycles who have supported this event for the last two years and to Placemakers Evan’s Bay for supplying their BBQ mega trailer for this event.

We are also very pleased to announce that the Yeastie Boys are coming on board to support the series with some very tasty prizes (for those over 18).

New Treasurer

Our current Treasurer, Peter Cassidy has stepped down from the role. Peter has been instrumental in getting the club finances knocked into shape in the last 18 months and working on systems to make it easier for someone to perform this role. The committee is most thankful for his efforts. Peter will be staying on as a committee member.

In accordance with the club constitution, the committee and club officers have appointed a new treasurer to fill the role through to the next AGM. Our thanks Adian Forrest for stepping up.

Cheers for your support

The committee would like to thank all members and volunteers for their continued support. Whether it be trail building or running events, we can't do it with out people putting their hands up to help out. Enjoy your holiday riding!

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