Wellington Mountain Bike Club

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July Newsletter and Notice of AGM

13 Jul 2014 8:19 PM | Anonymous

New membership year - time to renew

No doubt you have received your reminders via email. Memberships are now open for the 2014/2015 year.A reminder that you need to be a current financial member of the club to vote at the AGM and to be nominated for an officer or committee role.

New Family Membership

This year the committee is very happy to announce a new Family membership for $50. This recognises the growing number of families that are joining the club, and hopefully will encourage a few existing members to sign up the rest of their family. A family is defined as two or more family members who all live at the same address. Sign yours up now.

Just a note that you should be able to change your membership from an individual to a family at renewal, any problems, then contact the club secretary.

Notice of AGM

A reminder that our AGM will be held on Thursday August 7 starting at 6:30pm with pizza, then into the meeting at 7pm. If you are intending on coming, please RSVP by registering for the event so that we ensure we get enough pizza.

The agenda is as follows:

  • Minutes of last years AGM
  • President's report
  • Treasurer's report and statement of accounts
  • Election of officers
  • Constitution updates
  • Strategic Plan review
  • New Business

Nominations for officer and general committee roles are now open. A good number of our existing committee are happy to continue their roles, but as always, we are keen to get new people involved. See the AGM event for details about the committee roles and how to make a nomination.

Constitution Updates

The AGM is an opportunity to update our constitution. As a registered charity, we need to take special care when we update our constitution to ensure that we comply with the charities rules.

This year we are making 3 changes. These are all around payments the club can make to club members for services they provide, and a new clause that allows for (but does not require) honoria payments to committee members. A great deal of research and talking with Charities and the Societies Office goes into preparing these changes and the committee would like to thank Peter Cassidy for his efforts here. To see the full proposed changes, see the AGM agenda. A majority vote of those present is required to pass these changes.

Racing Update

The club would like to congratulate Sarah Atkin on her selection for the World Champs in August. Sarah has had a stellar year capturing both the National and Oceania titles. It is an expensive business getting to World's and there is no financial support from the national bodies. As a privateer, this means Sarah has to pay for the lot out of her own back pocket. If you would like to to help her out, head over to her giveallittle page and make a donation. See the full team kiwi announcement on the BikeNZ site.

Brynn Dickerson is in Europe with Gypsy Racing and starting to get some solid results. Check out his track preview of the Val di Sole course on Pinkbike, Yeah boi!

"Whisky" Mike Cowlin is on a van trip of BC and has been hitting up a few Enduro races. Looks like he has been giving the locals a scare with some solid finishes, even as he contends with some bruised/cracked ribs after giving himself a scare on some BC singletrack.

We wish all our Welly racers well. If you know of anyone else giving it a crack overseas, then drop us a line so we can give them a feature.

Planting Season In Full Swing

Epic Turn Out For Planting in Polhill

BTB had an epic turn out for their mega planting work party in early June. 50 people turned up to help put the 350 plants into the ground and spread mulch. A great cooperative effort with Aro Valley Regeneration Group and Kai o te Aro, the neighbouring community garden. Brooklyn Primary School then got stuck in and got another 350 plants into the ground at the top of Sawmill. Top effort all round.

Cleaning up and planting out in Miramar

The Miramar Track crew started their planting season with a clean up, with a dozen volunteers, including some kids and trail dogs, picking up rubbish at the Nevay Rd entrance. The team managed to fill a skip in less than an hour and make a start on their planting efforts for the season. Miramar will be running at least two more planting work parties in early August, so watch their Facebook page for details.

New Trail Leader For Mt Vic

Steve Wallace has stepped down from the Mt Vic Trail Leader role due to new work commitments. The committee would like to thank Steve for his efforts over the past couple of years. On top of the new track development around the Saddle, Steve has been working hard with the council on maintenance and signage for riders on the hill.

The committee has confirmed Mt Vic fanatic, Rod "he of the many many #tag" Bardsley as the new trail leader. Rod's focus in the coming year will be on maintenance and reworking exits on some of the trails that cross popular walking tracks to reduce walker/rider conflict. Rod is planning a group ride to run through and discuss some of the changes, so keep tabs on the Mt Vic FB page for details.

South Coast Kids Track Official Opening

The SoCK Track crew planned their official opening to coincide with a big planting work party. Due to the large turn out, the planting was done and dusted in around 20 minutes!

This meant the kids could get straight into the fun, with an old school lolly scramble (if anyone from OSH/ACC is reading, no one was killed or maimed) followed by race. A le mans start, with the parents messing around with the parked up bikes, then a lap of the track. Congratulations to the winner Izzy. Her prize, to help Deputy Mayor Justin Lester cut the ribbon. The track has been nominated for a Wellington Community Award, well done to Jeremy, Kether and the rest of the crew.

A big thanks to WCC for their continued support of the track, Trail Fund NZ and Revolve for kicking in some funds, Southstar Trails for the epic build, Floyd's Cafe and New World Island Bay for donating food for digs and sausage sizzles, Welly MTB Club members for pitching in at work parties and Placemakers Evans Bay for lending us their epic BBQ trail for the sausage sizzle at the track opening.

The track has received some huge praise, with congratulations and interest from as far afield as Perth, WA. The club is already talking with WCC councillors about the possibility of similar tracks elsewhere in the city, so watch this space.

Wicked Wellington Competition

Bike Wellington and HELiPRO are turning it up for the ultimate adventure experience. After being choppered in to Makara Peak, you'll ride the track down with a professional photographer snapping you like a pro. If you are keen, all you need to do is enter online.

See you on the trails!

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