Wellington Mountain Bike Club

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Winter Newsletter and AGM reminder

11 Jun 2013 1:30 PM | Anonymous
The days are short, the nights are cold, but riding doesn't stop for a little bad weather. 

World Cup DH and Enduro World Series Underway

A late start to the international racing season this year, but some excellent results for the Kiwis at Fort Bill. Congrats to the Bulldog and Blenki for making the podium and a shout out to the club's own Bryn Dickerson who qualified for the finals. 

If you haven't seen it, Bryn keeps a blog of his exploits at Racing for my dinner. Here is hoping there is a post soon about his latest foray into the World Cup series soon. 

Next race is at Val de Sole this weekend. Full coverage on Redbull.com

At the end of the month, the Enduro racers head to France for the next round of the EWS. Will the (ex) downhillers continue to dominate, or will the all mountain specialists rise to the challenge?

Club AGM

The Club AGM will be held on Thursday, June 20th at 6:30pm. For full details, see the events page. 

We will be running through a report of what was achieved this past year, a look at the clubs financials, electing new officers and going over some goals for the next membership year. 


It is great to see the majority of the committee wants to stand again. If you would like to contribute for the management of the club, then nominate either yourself or someone else for a role on the committee. All nominees need to be current club members, and if you nominate someone else, please supply their details so that we can contact them and confirm they wish to stand. 

Items for the Agenda

If you wish to raise a matter for the membership at the AGM, then please contact the secretary and we will add this to the Agenda under General business. It helps matters along if you can put the details of the matter or proposal into writing so it can be distributed. 

Why do I have to register?

The club will be putting on pizza. We are told that some people don't like Hawaiian with Olives and Anchovies. If you want to ensure that there is something else on offer, then please register. 

Wellington City Council: Our Capital Spaces

The WCC are reviewing another of there management plans that effects how the track network is governed and how much funding it receives. This follows on from the Town Belt Management Plan that the club, and many club members submitted on early in the year.

Your trails need you 

to make a submission

The club and our projects will all be making submissions. But the more submissions we can get from club members and riders, the better. All you need to do is take a scan of this plan on the council site, then fill in the online form. Aside from your contact details, you don't need to answer all questions, you can just answer one if you like. 

The most important thing you can do is let the council now how important mountain biking on WCC tracks is to you. 

The club will be publishing our submission on the club website after the AGM as it will be aligned with the strategic plan that will be presented to the membership at this time. 

WORD Riding Camps

Looking for something to do these school holidays? We have just received this from Ash@WORD. 

WORD Winter MTB Camps!
July School Holidays 2013
We're launching WORD (Wellington Off-Road Riding Dept) winter MTB camps, whoop whoop! These will be open to kids of all MTB skill abilities. Each morning we'll jump in the WORD van and head off to a new riding location. From 8.30am-1pm we will be shredding, climbing, launching, shuttling and building in Wellington!
$150 for each camp ($100 for the 2 day camps), sweet!  Bookings open NOW!
10-12 year olds:15-17 July
7-9 year olds: 18-19 July (2 days)
13-17 year olds: 22-24 July
10-14 year olds (Girls only!):  25-26 July (2 days)

'Tis The Season For Digging

The dirt is soft, so digging season is in full swing. 

  • The Portal is receiving a major overhaul, with all the structures being rebuilt to council standards. Once this is done, then it will be a canditate for being officially included in the track network. Check the Club facebook page for details. 
  • The Brooklyn Trail Builders are making great progress on their new track, Serendipity. There are multiple digs each week and they love to see new faces. The hope is to get this up and running and will bedded in before summer. 
  • The Miramar Trail Project are working away on 3 fronts, with Solitary receiving some tweaks, a new pump track extension in the works and some new features on the kids track. There will also be some planting days coming up. The project will be moving a number of their digs to Saturday afternoons, check the FB page for event details. 
  • Out in Long Gully, some new life is being breathed into Jawbone. A new berm is already in and there are some more plans afoot. Once again, check facebook for details. 
See you on the trails (or at the AGM). 

Russel Garlick
Club Secretary
secretary -at- wmtbc.org.nz

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