Wellington Mountain Bike Club

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June Storm - Track Damage - Now with track status updated 2 July

02 Jul 2013 8:00 PM | Anonymous
It has been a pretty exciting last couple of days in Welly. No doubt you will have all seen trees down right across the city. 

Our friends in the WCC Ranger team have been working flat out. Over 400 callouts since last night and that is just for trees on roading reserves. With the weather looking better for the weekend, no doubt many of us will be looking to head out onto the tracks. 

Please take care and look out for fallen trees and branches. 

With the number of call outs and the focus on residential properties and road reserves, the council has not got out into the track network yet. So you should expect there to be windfall around every corner. 

We have had reports that there is significant damage to some tracks on Mt Vic, with half the bench slipping away in places.

Track Status - updated Tuesday 2 July 

A big weekend for work parties and there are more to come in the following weeks. The following is the status of the tracks that are maintained by the club:

Long Gully 

  • Race Track - Clear
  • 420 - A few small trees down
  • Jawbone - Clear

98DH Karori - unrideable

Trail leader, Tony Harvie, confirms that 98DH has been hit very hard by the storm. There are many large trees down in the area. There are also large trees down across the Kids Track and Wahine.

Polhill - all tracks open!

Miramar Track Project - major damage

Ben, Russ, Sherwin and Caban walked all the trails on Saturday afternoon (June 22nd).

  • Jail Brake - Clear. A crew of 14 adults and a lot of kids turned up on Sunday the 23rd of June to clear the trail. Removed small trees and branches, debris is up to 30cm deep in places on the track, unblocked the drains etc. Trail will be in better shape than it was before the storm in a couple of days once it has had a chance to get rid of some of the water that has fallen this past week.
  • Solitary - Half a dozen trees down on a the section between the JB Pine Tree Berm and  Merge into JB, more down on bottom chute. Hope is to get the top section open by the end of next weekend. 
  • Conviction - Clear - The big slip has been cleared, and whilst there is still a big tree down across the curved bridge, there is a new diversion in place that takes you up towards Nevay Rd (bit of a steep push on a bike). At the top of the track you can turn left and continue on along Boot leg
  • Boot Leg - Clear to the Boot, closed after that. - A new exit of the track has been put in. This will need some gravel, but now takes you out to the clearing. From there the best bet is keep going down the grass and under the Pine Tree where the old Prison sign used to be. A new line is going in to link into the last part of the track and should be finished in a couple of weeks. 
  • Repeat Offender - Some trees down on the climbing berms. These will be cleared by hand, rest of track is clear.

Mt Vic - major damage, some tracks open

  • Mt Vic Summit - severe damage.
  • Hippy's -  blocked by large tree. But alot of work has been done to tidy up the rest of the track. An Arborist has been in and looked at the tree and it has been assessed as too dangerous to try and clear it. A scratched out line appears to be in place, but a new permenant line will be marked out. Working parties to be advertised shortly. 
  • Super D* - is clear from the end of Hippy's through to the Finish. However there is a large Macrocarpa where the finish line should be and another on the berm closest to the Crawford Rd/Wellington Rd Roundabout
  • Shuttle Cock - clear. However there is a large gum tree across the walking track on the velodrome side that cuts off this loop.
  • Mt Alfred and Rod's Drop - Trees are still down, but new lines around the trees have been benched. 
  • Damian's - bottom clear, tree across section before the field. 
  • TTS - clear
  • Park Bench - clear
  • No reports for Grom, Rock Drop and Virginia .
  • Walking Tracks on North Face - severe damage. The old line down from the top is littered with large trees. In particular the section below Hippy's to the clearing. It appears all the walking tracks in the triangle from the Summit, down to Charles Plimmer Park and Majoribanks Street are blocked to some extent. No eta on when these will be open. Be aware, in some places very large trees have partly fallen over and are being held up by other trees. It is best to stay well clear of this area.  

Portal - open

The track is now open top to bottom with some diversions in place. More work is ongoing. 

Rollercoaster - no report at this time

Other tracks

  • Makara - lower tracks have been cleared, but there are trees down across Salley Alley and North Face. See Makara Peak Facebook page for updates.
  • Salvation is now open again (we think)
  • Deliverance is clear, but the track has changed signifcantly. A section of the track at the bottom has be rerouted.  
  • Tinakori Hill - Jono has been through and has this update
    "Many blockages over te ahu mairangi as well. At the northern end of the northern walkway (off wadestown road) two trees have come down - one you get get under (I cut the branches out of the way), the other has taken out half the track.

    The southern end of the walkway (4wd track that drops down towards the chinese embassy) is blocked by a massive slip that has taken out 3 or 4 large trees. Connector above chinese embassy walkway also blocked by a couple of large trees."
  • Colonial Knob - The track through to Ohariu Valley is not passable and quite dangerous...the pine forest has huge damage and many many fallen trees.
  • Wainui Track Project - clear, but very wet. Give if a few days to dry out. 

What can you do to help?

Join A Work Party - Earn Some Trail Karma

If you have been thinking about joining a work party, now is your change. Most of the work required at the moment is pretty easy clearing of leaves and small sticks and branches.

The club and our project will be organising work parties over the coming weeks to clear as many tracks as we can by hand. 

Best place to look is Facebook

For track damage, particularly to tracks that are managed by the club, please either
  • Contact us via info@wmtbc.org.nz with a photo and details of where the damage is or;
  • Post to our Facebook page
We will be organising work parties to get out and fix these tracks just as soon as we c

Large Fallen Trees

For large trees and branches, the council will get in and clear these. We can all help by letting them know where to find them. A reminder - the use of chainsaws on WCC land by members of the public is strictly prohibited.

When you come across a large tree or branch either:
  • Call the council on 499 4444 or
  • Use the Online FixIt Form
  • Even better, download the Fixit Smartphone App and send in the details

WCC FixIt App

Can't Dig - Then Donate!

The Wellington Mountain Bike Club is a registered charity. You can donate on the site, either via PayPal or directly into the club bank account.

When you Donate, you can choose which trail area is the recipient of your funds. Your money will be used for tools, equipment and materials to reinstate, maintain and if necessary, build new tracks in your chosen area.

All donations over $5 are eligible for a tax credit and the club will issue you a donation receipt.

As all ways, take it easy on your first DH run. Stay safe.

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  • June Storm - Track Damage - Now with track status updated 2 July