Wellington Mountain Bike Club

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Autumn News Letter

03 May 2013 11:37 AM | Anonymous
Well it has been a long time between drinks on the newsletter front. That long, dry, dusty summer is just but a distant memory. Time to embrace winter, with all it's slidey, night ride goodness. 

So what has been happening?


Long Gully Shuttle Days

Shuttle days were held in March and April, one dry and one wet. These wouldn't have been possible with out the help from all the volunteers. A special vote of thanks to those keep the gully trails in order. Cheers to Tony Harvie (Racetrack), Adrian Armstrong (420) and Dan Smith and his helpers for leading the charge on tidying up Jawbone. Just a note to all, that tools are often left on the side of the tracks in the Gully on purpose by the builders when they are working on spots. Please leave them there. 

Events Manager, Mike Stirrat has been out with his camera, and you might want to check out the vids on Pink Bike. 

Escape from Mt Crawford Mini Enduro

Miramar Track Project ran their annual fundraiser and on a wet and wild Sunday a few weeks back we got 55 competitors who turned up and try to claim the King and Queen of the Mountain Crowns. Big thanks to Burkes Cycles for their support of the event, and PlaceMakers Evan's Bay for showing up with their mega BBQ Trailer. After some negotiations with LINZ (who are managing the Prison Land) we were able to start right out side the prison. Congrats to The Weazel for taking the men's overall, and Sarah Atkin for the women's. View the fill results.

The lads from Burkes teamed up with Holden Bros to put together this clip that captures the day pretty well. 

Mt Vic Super D is back!

26 May

Mt Vic Super D

Yup it is back. And being held later in the year, we'd expect the course to throw up a few more challenges than the dry and dusty runs of the past couple of years.

Get your entry in today via the club web site . This year there is a discount for all Welly MTB Club members, so entry is $35 for club members, $45 for non members. 

Event organsior Steve has been doing some fettling on the track, so expect new lines to challenge you. 

A big thanks to all the sponsors of this event, and especially URGE helmets who are back again as title sponsor and are fronting up with a new helmet to all class winners. 

One change to be aware of this year is that there is a compulsory seeding run. So you will need to check the event time table and make sure you are there to get your run in. 

We are still on the look out for volunteers to help with timing, marshalling and driving. If you are coming to the event, and bringing a mate or family member who can help out, then please drop Steve a line via the Club facebook page

Trail Building

In addition to all the good work going on at Long Gully, trail crews have been at work all around Wellington.

Brooklyn Trail Builders

The Brooklyn crew have been going gang busters on some new trail developments. The alternate downhill for the bottom of Transient, called Serendipity is well under way. 

In addition to this, the club and BTB are working with the WCC to open up some trails on the other side of Polhill that would link into George Denton Park. This required a great deail of consultation with the community, and some hard work by all involved. 

Dig times are:
  • Wednesday 12:30 - 2pm
  • Sunday 1 - 4pm.

Mt Vic Trails

Steve and his crew have been working on some new lines around the saddle area to reduce conflict with walkers on the Super D track. 

The first is the new short jump line from Park Bench to the Saddle. All this wet weather is helping this to settle in. 

The next phase is an alternate line into Rod's drop which will avoid the walking track. Once again this will be a huge bonus as it will add a new line and keep other trail users happy. 

Diggers are being run mid week and are all advertised on the Mt Vic Trails facebook page.

The club would like to thank Mud Cycles and Floyds Cafe for their support of these digs. 

Miramar Track Project

The wet weather means that trail building is back on in Miramar. Now the Solitary track has been ridden in, some refinements and improvements are being made to make it more sustainable during the winter months, whilst trying to keep the original feel of the track. 

If you have been up at the water towers recently, you will notice there is a huge amount of clay sitting and waiting to be shaped into the pump track extension. Hamish Kay has some excellent plans to extend the existing track and build different lines to cater to both the huge number of kids using this track and more advanced riders. At the moment, digger time is what is required, so if you have contacts in the Earthmoving world, then please let the crew know via their facebook page

Some new features are being built for the kids track off site and should be in place in the coming months. 

Miramar runs their digs on Sundays from 2pm. Check facebook for event details. 

Mystic Portal 

The club is happy to announce that we have been working with the city council to get this popular track added to the track network. At the moment it is classified as an unsanctioned track in an area that is open to biking. The goal is to make some changes to the track to bring it to a level that the council will be happy to approve it.

There is going to be some significant work required, particularly in the area where the Portal crosses the walking track and to replace some of the old decaying stunts. Eugene Black is leading the charge here, and is organising digs. Check the Club Facebook page for details

Notice of Wellington Mountain Bike Club Annual General Meeting

Thursday 20 June at 7pm

Add it to your diaries, the date has been set for this year's AGM. It has been a busy year for the club, with a lot of working going on behind the scenes. This is your chance as a club member to come and hear about some of these developments, the plans for the future and give your feedback. 

More details will be posted on the club website in the coming weeks. 

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